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Mindfulness for Leaders

The comprehensive six module mindfulness program for leaders who want to navigate today's complex organizational landscape with clarity, confidence and compassion. Transform your leadership approach and unlock your full potential.

Headshot of Niya Bajaj, founder of the Weigh Better Blueprint for high-achieving women solve their weight struggles so they can feel healthy and confident in their skin.
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Elevate Your Leadership with Mindfulness

You're a fierce, passionate, high performing leader with big dreams and big goals.

You have big plans to make positive, lasting change in your work life, home life, and your community.

Your life and happiness is found in confidently expressing your ideas, learning and growing, and being your truest self.

But, lately (or maybe longer…) 

  • You've been grappling with the challenges of modern leadership and don't have the community to reimagine wellbeing as a work culture practice

  • You're struggling to manage remote, hybrid, and in-office work dynamics and find yourself rethinking employee wellness as a value proposition

  • You aren't sure how to foster a truly inclusive, psychologically safe workplace as you manage many generations at work

  • You're overwhelmed by the demands of supporting your team while taking care of yourself and improving productivity, not increasing activity, overwhelm and burnout

If you’re being honest with yourself…

…leadership feels more demanding than ever and no amount of one hour wellness seminars, LinkedIN learning, or encouragement to practice self care seems to help.  


And if something doesn't change?

You worry you'll end up with a team of quiet quitters, or worse, actual resignations which will increase understaffing levels, add pressure to your team while reducing diversity, increasing skills gaps and reducing innovation.

What if…

  • you had a comprehensive approach that addresses the root causes of leadership challenges...
  • you were better able to pause and thoughtfully respond to conflict generated when people with diverse points of view come together to achieve a shared goal.…
  • you could make evidence based decisions aligned with your values and those of the organization…
  • you had the skills to create an inclusive, psychologically safe environment for their teams and peers...
  • you could tap back into your confidence and passion so you can finally start taking care of yourself, your career and your community…

…without having to design your own learning experience, struggling to build new habits, and feeling alone in your journey?

Here's the Problem.

  • How are you supposed to know what works for you? Every day there is new leadership research, another Harvard professor with a new practice, more employee survey data highlighting organizational system problems that you are supposed to be able to solve. 
  • You have already tried online self directed learning, reading the theory, trying to put it in practice, explaining the benefits to your teams,  and buying more leadership books than you can read.
  • Unfortunately, these theory focused approaches are difficult to turn into practice, or not aligned with your specific goals. So they won’t get you the results you want.
  • Conventional leadership training and executive development programs are focused on our brains and leave out critical wellness components. They see mindfulness and embodiment as nice to have. That means you walk away with leadership techniques that prize outputs over the people who generate them, creating unsustainable environments with high stress levels, burnout and rapid turnover.

Eventually, a lot of leaders give up and accept that this is how business is done and there is nothing they can do to change it.

It’s not really their fault.

When you’ve tried everything in your sphere of control to learn now ways, and to practice them, and nothing works, it’s easy to give up. 

It doesn’t have to be like this. There is another way

Let's talk about solutions

Chris P.

This course has really changed my perspective on my self care and leadership. Mindful living has reduced my stress, increased compassion, improved concentration/mental clarity and objectivity. All these benefits are useful for me as an individual but even more so for a leader working with a team of people as these qualities would benefit team members. After this course I set an example through my mindful practices. In an environment that is often fact-paced, sometimes stressful and with uncertainties or ambiguity, mindfulness is even more important to help develop empathy, regulate my mood and reduce anxiety - which I pass on to my team members.

Antoinette C.

Coming out of a taxing two years for my team, I valued gaining tools to maintain good mental health for myself and my team in the workplace. This program has been critical to my ability to be a strong team leader. I also benefitted from learning about tools that can be shared within my team. After this program, I understand how establishing a consistent mindfulness practice is likely the best, cheapest and healthiest way to manage the stress of our jobs and make us more responsive and less reactive to the everyday stresses of being a manager. I recommend this program to anyone leading a group.

Heidi L.

I think mindfulness is a required skill for all leaders as we strive to improve employee engagement and shift to a wellness centred corporate culture. I participated in the last Mindfulness for Leaders program and found it to be an incredibly generous, empathetic and kind community, led by thoughtful, engaging, deeply knowledgeable facilitators who are committed to supporting each of us as we implement daily practices as well as learning new mindfulness practices.


I’m ready to get started


The comprehensive six module mindfulness program for leaders who want to navigate today's complex organizational landscape with clarity, confidence and compassion. Transform your leadership approach and unlock your full potential.

I want to know more

Why is Mindfulness for Leaders different?

At Mindfulness for Leaders, we understand the uphill battle you face. That's why we've crafted a program specifically tailored to equip you with the tools and techniques needed to thrive in today's fast-paced, ever-evolving world.

Break Free from Ineffective Solutions

You've likely experimented with various strategies to bolster leadership effectiveness, but perhaps none have yielded the desired results. The truth is, without a comprehensive approach that addresses the root causes of leadership challenges, these issues will only continue to escalate, threatening both individual and organizational success.

Confront Today's Leadership Challenges

The landscape of leadership is fraught with obstacles, and traditional approaches often fall short in addressing the multifaceted issues leaders encounter. Are you struggling to reimagine employee wellness as a core organizational value? Do you find it challenging to support managers in building successful relationships amidst generational differences? These are just a few of the hurdles our program is uniquely positioned to help you overcome.

Lead with Clarity and Confidence

Imagine a future where you navigate leadership challenges with ease, responding thoughtfully to conflict and fostering an environment of inclusivity and psychological safety. With our Mindfulness for Leaders program, this vision becomes a reality. Through our six modules you'll cultivate self-awareness, enhance emotional intelligence, and master the art of mindful decision-making, setting the stage for transformative leadership.

Overcome Barriers to Success

Despite the clear benefits of mindfulness in leadership, barriers may stand in the way of embracing this transformative practice. Whether it's skepticism about its efficacy or uncertainty about implementation, we understand your concerns. That's why our program offers unparalleled support every step of the way, ensuring you have the resources and guidance needed to overcome these obstacles.

Unrivaled Support for Lasting Transformation

What sets our program apart? In addition to our expertly crafted curriculum, you'll benefit from in-session support led by award-winning facilitators, personalized email coaching, and access to accountability groups to support habit change. Plus, optional ongoing 1:1 mindfulness or leadership coaching provides tailored guidance to address your unique needs and challenges.

I'm ready for change

Vidya M.

Being a leader, it is important to rejuvenate and refocus for effective planning, mentoring and program development. Many leaders wear a number of different hats - often supporting vacancies, new staff, as well as completing their day to day responsibilities. More and more psychological stressors are impacting both staff and managers alike - mindfulness provides a critical tool to cope with such stressors and can contribute immensely to a healthy, functioning and productive work environment. Learning effective mindfulness techniques and strategies has been instrumental in assisting to balance leadership workloads in my field. I'm so grateful to the facilitators for the accessible practices they shared.

Sam V.

Mindfulness is something that I used to practice off and on for a while. Thanks to this program I have benefitted from a more regular practice as an additional tool for stress management. I led a large staff team during the pandemic and actively encouraged my staff to participate in mindfulness and other self-care activities and to take advantage of learning opportunities available in this area. Having tools and resources from this training has helped staff and has also helped our clients I saw just how great the need is for this support and how beneficial mindfulness can be to our wellbeing. I enjoyed learning more about how to integrate mindfulness into my people leadership, while connecting with other leaders with shared goals.

Aly B.

As a leader I am always looking for ways to keep employees engaged and productive. With all of the competing priorities that everyone faces I am so thankful that I learned how to separate them and focus mindfully on what is happening in the now. I appreciate learning tools and techniques to become more self-aware and mindful which have allowed me to have a more positive outlook on my day and week. This program has been personally beneficial in reducing stress and gaining focus and perspective on where I need to be in the moment. I continue to try to influence staff and colleagues to consider mindfulness practice to enhance their ability to manage stress of the always overwhelming workload. 

Who is the Mindfulness for Leaders program for?

  • Ambitious leaders who want a sustainable leadership practice for their careers.
  • Leaders who take action and want to feel confident at home, at work, and in their communities.
  • Leaders who are ready for change, and looking for learning experience to solve their employee engagement struggles.

Who is the Mindfulness for Leaders program not for?

  • Leaders who don't believe that our physical, mental, emotional and social wellness impacts our performance.
  • Leaders who cannot prioritize their learning, or commit to practicing the skills.
  • Leaders who are looking for a quick fix. This holistic program will take time to deliver better performance outcomes.
  • Leaders who are struggling with mental health conditions. This program is not the right fit for you. Book a call to chat about if yoga therapy is right for you.

If you want to improve your decision-making and creativity, recognize problems and find solutions even in the midst of chaos and deadlines,  manage effectively and create supportive teams then the Mindfulness for Leaders program is a perfect place for you to start!

I'm ready for change

Let’s break down what you get when your leadership team signs up for the Mindfulness for Leaders program

  • The Mindfulness for Leaders six module program (lifetime access)
  • In-session email support and accountability check-ins 
  • OPTIONAL: Customized team accountability group
  • OPTIONAL: 1:1 mindfulness or leadership coaching

Are you ready to unlock the power of mindful leadership and embark on a journey of personal and organizational transformation?

Join us today and discover what it means to lead with intention, compassion, and impact with the Mindfulness for Leaders program.


Schedule a call now!