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Weigh Better Blueprint

The 120-Day One-on-One Yoga Therapy and Coaching Program for ambitious women who want to solve their weight struggles so they can feel healthy and confident in their skin.

Headshot of Niya Bajaj, founder of the Weigh Better Blueprint for high-achieving women solve their weight struggles so they can feel healthy and confident in their skin.
Book your free registration call

Hello, my goal oriented friend,

You're a fierce, passionate, high performing leader with big dreams and big goals.

You have BIG plans to make positive, lasting change in your work life, home life, and your community.

Your life and happiness is found in confidently expressing your ideas, learning and growing, and being your truest self.

But, lately (or maybe longer…) 

  • You're hiding because you dislike the reflection in the mirror. You used to be the first to put your hand up.

  • You have no stamina to do day to day things. You remember having unlimited energy to crush your goals.

  • You’re overwhelmed by diet trends and workout plans. You used to have a self-care system that worked.  

  • You’re tired of wasting money on gym memberships, and feeling like a failure because you know you’re not going to do something you don’t enjoy.

  • You are mindlessly eating to feel satisfied, uncomfortable in your body and disappointed in yourself. 

If you’re being honest with yourself…

…it feels like you're on an endless rollercoaster of crash diets and exercise routines and no amount restricting food or aggressive exercise seems to make a dent in it.


And if something doesn't change?

You worry you'll end up spending countless hours at the gym or preparing restrictive meals sacrificing pleasure, fun, freedom and growth opportunities.

What if…

  • you felt comfortable, sexy and confident in your clothes, no matter what you wear...
  • you had the stamina to climb up and down stairs, and the mobility to play with your pets and kids on the floor…
  • you could move your body in ways that are filled with joyful fun, not pain and gain…
  • you had the energy and focus you want to take steps to turn your dreams into goals with action plans...
  • you could tap back into your confidence and passion so you can finally start taking care of yourself, your career and your community…

…without restrictive fad diets, movement as a punishment, and endless anxiety?

Here's the Problem.

  • How are you supposed to know what works for you? Every day there is a new restrictive diet, superfood, or celebrity workout app that will miraculously solve your weight struggles. 
  • You have already tried cutting out foods, exercising aggressively, changing when you sleep, taking supplements and buying expensive gym memberships.
  • Unfortunately, these one-size-fits-all approaches are not created for you, or aligned with your specific goals. So they won’t get you the results you want.
  • Conventional medical doctors have biased views around weight and obesity. They see fat as the enemy.  That means you walk away without a solution that works for you and your body.

Eventually, a lot of ambitious women just give up and accept that they will not be successful in this part of their lives.

It’s not really their fault.

When you’ve tried everything and nothing works, it’s easy to give up. 

I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be like this. There is another way

I'm ready to fix my problem

Cathy W.

At the end of my sessions with Niya I feel a big improvement in my energy level. My body feels more limber and mobile. I definitely feel like I have more energy- physically, mentally and emotionally. My mood is more on an even keel, and I have less emotional ups and downs. While the mindful movement practice was challenging at times, especially remembering to be consistent with my practice, I have learned that small lifestyle changes can bring big results. I loved the breath practice! I connected to it right away once I learned how important the breath is for weight loss. My sleep and energy levels are much better. I have more range of motion, and feel more limber. I have lost 12 pounds! Niya, you have been so helpful to me. I felt you listened to my frustrations and offered solutions that were easy to incorporate. I am very grateful that you’ve been and will continue to be on my path of wellness.

Michelle R.

At the end of my sessions with Niya I feel refreshed and energized. My body feels good and I can breathe more easily than before. The mindful movement practice was manageable. I am more flexible and can bend easier than in the beginning. The biggest change I have seen is progression in activity: improved balance and better ability to do exercises in standing. I learned that with committed practice my body can do a lot more. It really is about mind over matter. The breath practice was great. I had issues with breathing due to chronic illness. Through this I have a noticeable positive result when bike riding. The breathing exercises and meditations helped me center and focus my thoughts. I have fewer bouts of fatigue and am better able to manage my depression. After our morning practices together I very much was more clear and energetic throughout the day.





Jaime H.

Niya is a flexible and experienced yoga therapist. Her ability to focus and exercise my mind allowed me to give up smoking and focus on my breathing that was causing me issues in many facets of my life. Being a Management Professional, I often have issues with work/life balance and fitting self care activities into my life. Niya worked with me on my availability early in the morning and supported me with one-on-one coaching to perfect my practice. She customized her training to a method that worked with my ADHD and helped me grow with my practice. This definitely is something I plan on incorporating into my life and will continue to practice and ask lots of questions. Thank you for offering me this experience. I appreciate it so much.




I’m ready to get started

Hi, I’m Niya! 

I was the fat kid in class. I endured humiliation that left scars deeper than anyone could see so I sought a sense of control in food, which led to disordered eating patterns and overexercising. 

All I wanted was to feel comfortable in my own skin, free from the shame that plagued me whenever I looked in the mirror or the anxiety and guilt when I indulged in a simple pleasure like ice cream. Maybe you’ve been there too?

Headshot of Niya Bajaj, founder of the Weigh Better Blueprint for high-achieving women solve their weight struggles so they can feel healthy and confident in their skin.


My relentless pursuit of weight loss looked like restrictive diets and intense exercise regimens touted by mainstream media and fitness culture that trapped me in a cycle of temporary success followed by inevitable failure that left me feeling defeated and disillusioned.

 It was during a yoga class that I experienced a profound shift in perspective, a newfound connection to my body, and a sense of empowerment that had eluded me for years. 

Headshot of Niya Bajaj, founder of the Weigh Better Blueprint for high-achieving women solve their weight struggles so they can feel healthy and confident in their skin.


So I deepened my knowledge and practice as a yoga therapist and finally found freedom from the emotional rollercoaster of disordered eating and overexercising. 

Today, I am pain-free, energized, and empowered to pursue my dreams with unwavering confidence. 

 I want to help other goal driven women experience the same transformation. I developed the Weigh Better Blueprint, specifically for powerhouse women like us. It has already helped dozens solve their weight struggles with mindset, movement and lifestyle changes so they can feel healthy and confident in their skin.

Headshot of Niya Bajaj, founder of the Weigh Better Blueprint for high-achieving women solve their weight struggles so they can feel healthy and confident in their skin.

Ally S.

Niya is amazing. She really takes the time to listen to your individual needs and build a practice plan that is tailored to you. 've always had trouble with following breathing instructions and Niya really helped me find my way there. She also listens to your concerns and watches how you/your body interacts with that plan and adjusts things to make sure that you are truly able to benefit from your practice. She brings such a wealth of knowledge to the table that it was a delight to work with her. Definitely recommend setting up an appointment with her!

Ana R.

I had a wonderful experience with Niya as my yoga therapist. As a newcomer to yoga therapy, she was kind and thorough in explaining the goals and anticipated outcomes. She really cares for her patients and during our sessions she made sure to create a safe space for me to explore my own sensations. Furthermore, Niya created a specific sequence of movements that helped me feel better and if I had questions, she was always available to provide me with more information. For sure I would work with her again!

Tatiana P.

Niya is so empathetic, healing and knowledgeable! I felt AMAZING after our yoga therapy sessions together! I had some issues with my lower back, and after working with Niya I was able to understand what I could be doing for myself to really feel more at ease. She really provides a safe space for your healing. I felt so much more relaxed after our practice together! I HIGHLY recommend working with Niya! This is your sign!


The 120-Day One-on-One Yoga Therapy and Coaching Program for ambitious women who want to solve their weight struggles so they can feel healthy and confident in their skin.

I’m ready to talk about a solution

Why is the Weigh Better Blueprint different?

There are so many diets and workout routines that claim to deliver weight loss results - and some of them do, in the short term. 

Roughly 80% of people who shed a significant portion of their body fat do not maintain that degree of weight loss for 12 months. In fact, most dieters regain more than half of what they lose within two years because they don’t have a holistic solution that addresses mindset, movement, and lifestyle.

With the Weigh Better Blueprint, fat and our bodies are not the enemy. We don’t punish ourselves by leaving out entire food groups, or eating things we don’t enjoy. We don’t risk injury with high intensity workouts to snatch waists or fight FUPA. And we don’t waste money on expensive supplements that you need to take for the rest of your life.

Why I'm different

  • I've walked the path you’re on. I’ve suffered from disordered eating, body image issues, low energy and low self esteem - and I’ve recovered.
  • I’m  an award winning internationally accredited yoga therapist and I'll teach you EVERYTHING you need to know for lasting weight loss and body satisfaction.
  • I've helped dozens of high achievers like you solve their weight struggles
  • I am deeply committed to your transformation through practices that work
  • I know your struggle, am invested in your success and care deeply for your wellbeing.
I'm ready for change

How it works…

When you qualify to join the Weigh Better Blueprint, we will determine and work with your unique constitution to identify diet, movement and lifestyle changes for lasting weight and body satisfaction. 

I’ll design a mindful movement and meditation practice specifically designed to achieve your weight goals. From there I’ll support you as you move through the 3-Step Release, Restore, Refine Method to release mindsets that contribute to weight gain, restore your self talk and refine your daily rituals.

STEP 1: Know Yourself

In Step 1, we break down your why and what you need to do to commit to your success. We’ll also figure out your constitutional type so you can start choosing energy boosting foods and joyful movement. You’ll be blown away at how aligned these will feel with your body, and how easy it makes your life. I’ll keep it simple for you by providing you worksheets to think through your goals and reframe your mindset. You’ll also get information sheets to choose your joyful movement practice along with grocery lists & easy to make recipes for your type.

STEP 2: Breath Basics

How you breathe is the key to vanquishing your weight struggles. I’ll show you simple breath practices to lose fat, gain energy, find more mental focus, and improve your digestion. I’ll provide you with  videos so you don’t have to memorize the techniques, and you can do them anywhere! Combined with diet and movement changes from Step 1, you will start seeing improvements in your day-to-day experience. 

STEP 3: Detox Your Digestion

One of the biggest causes of weight struggles is poor digestion, which  makes your brain feel foggy, and drains your energy. In Step 3 I will design your personal yoga practice to improve your digestion. We will combine it with the breaths you learned in Step 2 to increase its effectiveness. Combined with your daily joyful movement practice you’ll feel lighter, more energetic, mobile and flexible so you can take on those big goals.

STEP 4: Food and Mood

What you eat is only half the battle. In Step 4 I’ll teach you easy to follow practices to level up how you eat. This will help improve your digestion, reduce your stress and boost your energy so it stays consistent through the day while you make progress on what matters most to you.

STEP 5: Mind over Matter

In step 5, I’ll help you make the switch from beating yourself up to stay motivated to practicing mindful self talk to address binge eating and food mindsets. We will also explore more lifestyle changes for your constitutional type including ways to tap into deeper relaxation to bring down your stress levels. I’ll also share strategies, self-talk scripts and mindset examples you can use to reduce weight stigma, find more body acceptance and maintain your motivation to stick with healthy behaviors.

STEP 6: Twist and Shout

In step 6, I’ll help level up your personal yoga practice so that you don’t get bored! After we’re done you will be chanting and adding stress busting breath holds to improve your digestion and metabolism. This will improve weight outcomes, increase muscular tone, address physical pain, and boost detox, and fat loss. Plus you’ll get updated practice videos and resources to keep building on your success.

STEP 7: Sustainable Success

In step 7, I’ll help you  evaluate your progress in achieving the goals we identified in step 1. I’ll give you tools to explore how your practices shifted your physical, mental, emotional wellbeing. Based on your reflections, I’ll coach you as you choose which practices to retain, adapt, set aside. We’ll also explore if you would benefit from the support of joining a community for ongoing practice and habit maintenance so you can continue to feel healthy and confident.

7 Private Coaching Calls (up to 60-minutes)

We’ll get together after each step to review your practice, troubleshoot issues arising, discuss your progress and challenges, and explore solutions. I’ll be there to help you implement techniques and hold you accountable. My goal is to support you at the deepest level and keep you on track so you can feel comfortable in your skin, reclaim your confidence and go back to feeling healthy as quickly as possible.

Weekly Accountability Check-ins (120-days access)

As a high-achiever you have a lot on the go! It can be easy to let the ball drop when no one is asking about your progress. You won’t be the only one keeping yourself accountable. I’ll send you an email to check in with you every week. 

This will help you stay on track, and successfully integrate the changes we discussed as part of the 3-Step Release, Restore, Refine Method. And if success metrics slip, or you are at risk of not achieving a milestone? I’ll help identify what isn’t working, what you have learned, and what to realistically change to get you back on track.

I’m Ready! Book a Call!

Joyce T

When I first started my journey with Niya at Holistic Yoga Therapy, I was in pain and looking at a hip joint replacement. I had all but given up. With Niya's patient approach, I am thrilled to say that I am no longer a candidate for a replacement and I no longer live my days in chronic pain. I am learning to understand how my body works and ways to work with it for optimal health. Niya has introduced me to gentle exercise, meditation and writing to help me live my best life. Thank you Niya, you have literally saved me from surgery!

Karlee V.

Niya did a great job in understanding what was going on in my life and my body. She has such a calming presence, and I thoroughly enjoyed our sessions together!! She's a magician with her work and can't recommend her enough :)





Montana K.

Working with Niya was so healing and eye opening. She was so wonderful at listening to my needs, and created a reasonable plan to support my healing. She spent the time to understand me and designed a custom practice for me. I really appreciated her non-judgemental attitude and positive energy and the practice helped me navigate a difficult time in my life.




Who is the Weigh Better Blueprint for?

  • Ambitious women who want to feel healthy and have a sustainable solution to their weight problems.
  • Women of action who want to feel confident at home, at work, and in their communities.
  • Women who are ready for change, and looking for a customized plan to solve their weight struggles.

Who is the Weigh Better Blueprint not for?

  • Women with auto-immune conditions. This program does not address specific dietary protocols.
  • Women who are looking for a magic pill, drug, or supplement. I am not a medical doctor or naturopath and cannot issue prescriptions.
  • Women who are looking for a quick fix. This holistic program will take time to deliver better health and confidence. You will not get toned abs in 7 days here.
  • Women who are struggling with mental health conditions including undiagnosed eating disorders. This program is not the right fit for you. Book a call to chat about if yoga therapy is right for you.

 If you want to experience a healthy weight and feel confident in your skin then the Weigh Better Blueprint is a perfect place for you to start!

I'm ready for change

Let’s break down what you get when you join the Weigh Better Blueprint

  • The Weigh Better Blueprint (lifetime access)
  • The 3-Step Release, Restore, Refine Method (lifetime access)
  • Weekly email support and accountability check-ins (120 day access)

Are you ready to leave your weight struggles behind and start feeling healthy and confident in your skin instead with the Weigh Better Blueprint?

Let’s ditch diet culture and one-size-fits-all exercise routines once and for all and do this together right now!

I only have 10 spots available at the founding member pricing. Book to get 50% off the regular registration price

Schedule a call now!
I’m ready to get started